A 6th Grade Virtual Orientation, packed full of information, can be viewed here for all incoming 6th graders and their parents:

Tech Device Distribution for Students - September 2 and 3, from 3 - 7 PM. Devices will be distributed in the bus loop at SES for Grades K-5 and in the bus loop at the M/HS for Grades 6-12. *Bring photo ID.

There will be a Special Meeting of the CVCS Board of Education on Monday, 8/31/20, starting at 7:00 PM. This will be immediately followed by a special Workshop Meeting, where the Board will work on their goals for the 2020-2021 school year. The public may attend via Zoom using the following link:
Meeting ID: 993 8418 9113
Passcode: 500204

Due to there being no electric in the building, the Board meeting scheduled for tonight (8/27/20) has been postponed until Monday, 8/31/20, at 7:00 PM. A new Zoom link will be posted on Monday.

UPK Orientation Zoom Meeting:
Time: Sep 2, 2020 01:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Meeting ID: 956 7408 5605
Passcode: 105367

CVCS will continue to provide free breakfast and lunch to students during the 2020-2021 school year. Packed meals will be available for students on Wednesdays for the days they are scheduled to attend remotely from home. Parents or Guardians must sign their child up to receive meals. Please complete this survey by September 2, 2020, regarding meals for your child(ren):

Video update from Mr. Leichner: https://ensemble.e2ccb.org/Watch/i3YRy5m7

Parents, please use this link to access a survey regarding your intentions for your child's education this fall. Please complete the survey, once for each child in your household of school age.

M/HS Supplies Lists: https://5il.co/jrsm

School supplies lists for SES students can be found here: https://www.cvcougars.org/o/cvcs/page/2020-21-supply-lists

Facebook Live Events for Parents

Food distribution this month:
Dairy/Protein: August 3, 10, 17 and 24, 11 AM - 1 PM (or until gone)
Produce: August 12 and 16, 11 AM - 1 PM and 4 PM - 6 PM (or until gone)
All can be picked up by the entrance to the Fitness Center.

There will be a Board of Education meeting on Monday, August 10, 2020. A special Workshop meeting will begin at 6 PM, to be followed by the regularly scheduled monthly meeting, beginning at 7 PM. The public may attend via Zoom at the following link:

Update on reopening of school from Mr. Leichner: https://youtu.be/SeI8MiUeTWI

As you are aware, our district has completed and submitted our return to school plans to the New York State Department of Education. Throughout this process we have worked within the parameters and the guidance documents provided by the New York State Department of Health and the New York State Department of Education. Our administrative team and our reopening task force will continue to use the appropriate guidance documents, as well as the results of our recent parent survey, to guide us in our reentry plans. It is important to note that while we submitted our plan on July 31st, we will continue to make adjustments to that plan throughout the month of August and into the fall as we fully expect the parameters to be changed as more information becomes available. This was very complicated work, with numerous variables beyond our control, yet we believe we have created a plan that addresses the safety, academic, and social-emotional needs of our students and families. Here is the link to the plan that has been submitted:

Pandemic Electronic Benefits Transfer (P-EBT) is a new crisis response nutrition program activated as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Pandemic-EBT food benefits will be issued automatically to families whose children received free or reduced-price meals at school through the federal lunch program. This includes all students at Cassadaga Valley Central School since free meals are provided for all students. Each child will receive $420 on a new or existing EBT card that can be used like a bank debit card to purchase food from participating stores. Cards cannot be given to another person or household to use. However, families who wish to donate their benefit can buy food and donate it to a food pantry. Please check with local food pantries to see what items are needed. Learn more at: hungersolutionsny.org/pebt

Parents - please complete this Return to School survey.

Here is an important video update from Mr. Leichner regarding the district's Return to School survey.

With regards to the food distributions,
we only get 45 dairy/protein boxes delivered to us. We will be setting up a new pick up policy starting next week. If there is a line, each person in line can get 1 box of each and then get back in line to receive additional boxes.
For the produce boxes, the district receives 250 boxes every other week, so we will handle this pick up differently.
Both programs are grant funded, so there’s little the District can do about the amount it receives. We are grateful for all donations we receive from Farms to Families and from Feed more WNY.

The next food distributions are as follows: dairy and protein on Monday, July 20th (11 AM - 1 PM) and produce on Wednesday, July 29th (11 AM - 1 PM and 4 PM - 6 PM). All will take place near the Fitness Center entrance to the Middle/High School Building.