A special movie for the Class of 2020: https://ensemble.e2ccb.org/Watch/r6B5Syf9
over 4 years ago, Cassadaga Valley Central School District
Recently, Coach Crandall wanted to make sure even though the season couldn't be played, the senior girls were recognized and sent off with memories of being a Lady Cougar, including a small jar containing dirt from the softball field.
over 4 years ago, Cassadaga Valley Central School District
Softball team gifts, including a t-shirt and a jar of dirt from the field!
Softball players accepting their gifts on the softball field
Softball player posing with her gifts
Softball player posing with her gifts
Barnes & Noble is giving away a free book to any student in grades 1-6 who reads 8 books this summer! Check out the elementary library page for more info! https://sites.google.com/cvcougars.org/seslibrary/home
over 4 years ago, Cassadaga Valley Central School District
More members of the Class of 2020 receiving their hand-delivered caps, gowns, etc.!
over 4 years ago, Cassadaga Valley Central School District
Cassadaga Valley Senior Receiving Graduation Supplies
Cassadaga Valley Senior Receiving Graduation Supplies
Cassadaga Valley Senior Receiving Graduation Supplies
Cassadaga Valley Senior Receiving Graduation Supplies
Members of the faculty and staff had the great opportunity to hand deliver caps, gowns, etc. to the members of the Class of 2020!
over 4 years ago, Cassadaga Valley Central School District
Cassadaga Valley Senior Receiving Graduation Supplies
Cassadaga Valley Senior Receiving Graduation Supplies
Cassadaga Valley Senior Receiving Graduation Supplies
Cassadaga Valley Senior Receiving Graduation Supplies
Mrs. Brautigam made this video for her class this year: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b2UwJ3S_wy0&feature=youtu.be
over 4 years ago, Cassadaga Valley Central School District
Check out Mrs. Zappie's video for her class! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eAfv9spcGyg
over 4 years ago, Cassadaga Valley Central School District
While the teachers are working hard for our students, preparing virtual lessons and conducting various online sessions, in their down time they do some interesting things! For this week's Friday Fun Day, MS/HS students will be sent a link via their school email to see what else our teachers have been up to, aside from class work! Here are a few "teasers."
almost 5 years ago, Cassadaga Valley Central School District
Mrs. Burns rehabbing some wildlife
Mrs. Rice playing board games with her family
Mr. Cole geocaching in the woods
Mr. Beichner, Mr. Hammond, and Mr. Cole took 29 CVCS students to STEM Wars at JCC today. The Cougars placed 1st and 2nd in the Rube Goldberg competition, 2nd and 3rd in the Prepared Video competition, and 2nd in the On-site Video competition. Congratulations!
almost 5 years ago, Cassadaga Valley Central School District
CVCS students pose for a group photo at the Stem Wars event
Student holds up his Second Place certificate for the Video Production Challenge
Students hold up their 1st and 2nd place certificates for the Rube Goldberg Competition
Students hold up their 2nd place certificates for the Video Production Challenge
Today the 6th grade math classes practiced plotting points on the coordinate grid with a life-size model created on the classroom floor. Students were given a Harry Potter themed task card that included a coordinate that they had to correctly plot, using themselves as the "dot".
almost 5 years ago, Cassadaga Valley Central School District
Student "plots" himself on the classroom floor for coordinate grid learning activity
In Grade 7 Family and Consumer Sciences, students completed hand sewing their felt monsters and were excited to make an edible version of their monster.
almost 5 years ago, Cassadaga Valley Central School District
Student's edible version of their orange felt monster
Student's edible version of their green felt monster
Student's edible version of their yellow felt monster
Student's edible version of their red felt monster