The public libraries in our area are working together and collaborating with the Cassadaga Valley Central School District to provide the best services they can to support our district families. By completing this survey, parents will help each of the libraries in our district to make plans for programs and resources to assist our students. To complete this survey:
over 4 years ago, Cassadaga Valley Central School
Cassadaga Valley Central School is accepting applications through October 7, 2020, for the following positions: Part-time Cleaner (5.5 hours/day - 10 months/year) Substitute Cleaners Elementary Special Education Teacher Substitute Teachers Application information can be found at:
over 4 years ago, Cassadaga Valley Central School
Purchase your 2020-21 Middle/High School yearbook by Friday (10/2) for the lowest price of the school year! Cost for Middle School is $16.20 and High School is $59.40 (these prices include tax). Yearbooks can be purchased at or a check (made out to Valley View 2021) or cash can be given to Mrs. Bennink in Room 125.
over 4 years ago, Cassadaga Valley Central School
Packed meal pickup will be tomorrow (Wednesday) between 11:00AM - 1:00 PM at SES. Families scheduled for meal delivery should expect them between 10:30 AM - 1:30 PM. If families can not be home to receive the meals, please leave a cooler out with a note to leave the food in the cooler.
over 4 years ago, Cassadaga Valley Central School
Students and staff are excited to have Moxy, the baby ostrich, with us! Moxy was hatched recently in Ms. Burns' classroom.
over 4 years ago, Cassadaga Valley Central School
Moxy and Lucas
The federal program that provided protein, dairy and produce boxes over the summer has ended. If we get notification that we will once again be receiving these boxes, we will post it to let everyone know.
over 4 years ago, Cassadaga Valley Central School
The District is currently accepting applications for a Clerk II (Typist), Teacher Aides and Bus Drivers. Information can be found at
over 4 years ago, Cassadaga Valley Central School
Protein and dairy boxes will be available for pickup today at the Fitness Center entrance from 11 AM - 1 PM.
over 4 years ago, Cassadaga Valley Central School
Just a reminder that, just like it will be every Wednesday, for those that have requested meals, they will be available today for pickup at the Elementary School from 11 AM - 1 PM. If you requested meals but did not sign up for pickup, they will be delivered today. If you have not yet requested meals for this year, please call the Food Service Office at 962-8581 ext. 1507.
over 4 years ago, Cassadaga Valley Central School
Cassadaga Valley Central School District is participating in the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP). Continuing this year, all students attending classes within Cassadaga Valley Central School District will receive a breakfast/lunch daily at no charge regardless of household income. This is a significant benefit to the students and families in our district. Over the past few years, we have been aggressively seeking out federal grants and aid (such as CEP) in order to provide our students with additional resources. Many of these federal programs require us to provide additional information that we have not traditionally collected in the past. Please fill out the forms that were sent to all households earlier this week. By completing these forms, you will provide us with information needed to complete federal grant applications. If you could please complete the forms and send them back in the enclosed self-addressed stamped envelope by Friday, October 16, 2020 so that we can pursue further grants. Thank you.
over 4 years ago, Cassadaga Valley Central School
FAQ for Middle/High School can be found here:
over 4 years ago, Cassadaga Valley Central School
A welcome message for SES students and parents from Mr. Gilevski!
over 4 years ago, Cassadaga Valley Central School
As a part of our ongoing effort to maintain health and safety protocols, we are asking that any member of the public who wants to attend a school board meeting to sign up in advance. We will no longer be conducting our meetings via Zoom so should you plan to attend, please complete this form: This procedure will allow us to anticipate how many people will be in attendance so that we are sure we can maintain appropriate social distancing during our public meetings.
over 4 years ago, Cassadaga Valley Central School
Middle/High School students may pick up their Chromebooks from the main office from 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM, Monday - Friday. Please call the main office (716) 962-8581 with any questions.
over 4 years ago, Cassadaga Valley Central School
Cassadaga Valley Central School is accepting applications for the following positions: Full-time Clerk II (Typist) – 12 month Teacher Aides – 10 month Full-time Bus Driver – 12 month A non-teaching application, to be completed and returned to the District by September 21, 2020, can be found on our website –
over 4 years ago, Cassadaga Valley Central School
The dates of the community food distribution have been changed to avoid traffic back ups while students are in the building. They will held from 11 AM - 1 PM (or until gone) on the following dates: Wednesday, September 9th Wednesday, September 16th
over 4 years ago, Cassadaga Valley Central School
M/HS Morning Announcements for 9/8/20:
over 4 years ago, Cassadaga Valley Central School
School will be totally remote learning this week, September 8-11. Red Group will begin September 14. Blue Group will begin September 17. This week, packed breakfasts and lunches for the week will be available for pickup today at SES from 11 AM - 1 PM. If parents haven't done so already, please complete the Food Service Survey (link available on our website).
over 4 years ago, Cassadaga Valley Central School
over 4 years ago, Cassadaga Valley Central School
This is an update on the incident that resulted in the fire department reporting to the Middle/High School building this afternoon. An electronic device (stored in a plastic tote) that is designed to generate a "flash" for musical stage productions overheated and discharged in a classroom on the second floor. It was not in the chemistry lab and while the storage container was damaged, there was no damage to the classroom. No one was in the room and no one was injured. The building was evacuated so the fire department could clear the facility and we are back at work and in the building now. Thank you for your concern - all is well!
over 4 years ago, Chuck Leichner