Welcome to the Cassadaga Valley Central School District.

  • The following information will help make the school registration process efficient.

    You (the parent or guardian) have to show that the youth is living with you and that you have total and permanent custody. To do this, you can show the school district:

    • If you are the child’s biological parent - Your photo ID and the child’s birth certificate


    • Proof of custody or guardianship – court documents


    • Other poof such as documentation that the child has been placed with you by an agency, such as Foster Parent form DSS-2999

    Documents required / PreK documents required for new student registration, please bring with you when you register your child/children:

    • Birth Certificate

    • Up-to-date Immunization Record

    • Photo Identification of Parent/Guardian registering the student

    • Proof of Residency - The following are ways you can show residency:

      • Driver’s license, or permit, or non-driver ID

      • State or other government issued ID

      • Documents from government agencies such as a social service agency

      • Custody or guardianship papers

    • Lease or deed

    • Landlord’s Affidavit you pay rent to, saying you live there or rent receipt

    • Pay stub showing your address

    • Income tax form that shows your address

    • Utility bill or other bill in your name that shows your address

    • Proof of custody/guardianship – Court documents if applicable

    • Foster family documentation (DSS-2999) if applicable

    • Name, address & phone number of previous school

    Optional but not required:

    • Report card from previous school

    • Transcript

    • IEP/504 plan (Special Education Students) if applicable

    Notice of Parent/Guardian Rights Related to Special Education Services

    Please visit http://www.p12.nysed.gov/specialed/publications/policy/parentguide.htm for further information on your rights regarding potential referral and evaluation of your child for purposes of special education. If you have any questions about the guide or special education services please contact the Director of Special Education- Rebecca Donnelly, 716-962-8581.

  • Enrollment is currently underway the District's Kindergarten and Universal Pre-Kindergarten 2020-2021 programs at Sinclairville Elementary.

    The UPK Program is available to children who will be four years old on or before December 1, 2020. Parents/Guardians of children who meet this age requirement should have received the enrollment forms in the mail. If you have not received the enrollment forms, please Mrs. Miller in the Elementary School at (716) 962-5195 ext 2400.

  • We would like to encourage parents/guardians of children eligible to start kindergarten in the fall, who are not currently enrolled in our UPK program, to register their child for school as soon as possible. This applies to children who will be five years old on or before December 1, 2020.