This is a reminder that tomorrow (Friday, 10/23) will be a regular day of school for all hybrid and full-remote students. Originally, an in-service day was scheduled, but this will be rescheduled for a date later in the school year.

Pictured are Key Clubbers Hayden Coucher-Hobbs and Kennedy Pattison assembling Halloween gift bags for Heritage Nursing home in Gerry.

Here's a quick tutorial on how to easily access the M/HS Morning Announcements:

An important from Mr. Leichner:

Please take a moment to fill out this survey indicating your preference for your child's attendance for the next marking period. Please fill out one survey for each child by October 21, 2020.

Students and faculty support Key Club's "Pink the School" Day to support Breast Cancer Awareness.
Photo: Max Pingitore (student); Teachers Karen Schrader, Steve Helwig and Ronnette Riforgiat

A new drop box is now available for students and parents to return
completed assignments, books, and other school materials at the Middle/High School. This new drop box can be accessed during the school day, after-hours, or even on weekends. It is conveniently located at the back of the building, next to the Fitness Center entrance.

CVCS is accepting applications through October 16, 2020, for the following positions:
Secondary Special Education Teacher (Grades 6-12)
Bus Drivers
Application information can be found at: https://www.cvcougars.org/o/cvcs/page/employment-opportunities--677

The Cassadaga Valley Central School District Board of Education will hold its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, October 13, 2020, starting at 7:00 PM in the M/HS Multi-Purpose Room. Social distancing will be enforced.

Just a short time ago a CO2 sensor indicator light went off in our Middle/High School building. That notification required us to evacuate the building until the local fire department could come and give us clearance to re-enter. We immediately called all M/HS parents to notify them of the evacuation. All students in grades 6-12 were outside for about 10 minutes while the fire department arrived, cleared the building and granted us re-entry. We are now all back in the building, everything is safe and we are finishing out a normal school day. Thank you and have a great weekend!

Reminder: School will be closed Monday, October 12.

Available now at SES - a new box for drop off of materials 24/7, school days after 9am, and anytime weekends!

Check out our M/HS Students of the Month!

Update on Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer:

Tomorrow, October 7, we will be having a Dairy, Protein and Produce distribution from 11 AM - 1 PM or until gone.

All soccer games vs. Olean (both today and tomorrow) are postponed.

Middle/High School 5-week progress reports:
Tuesday, 10/13 -- reports sent home for Red Group students
Thursday, 10/15 -- reports sent home for Blue Group students
Thursday, 10/15 -- reports mailed home for full-remote students
Questions? Contact the M/HS Guidance Office.

Pink out the School for Breast Cancer Awareness, sponsored by Key Club - Friday, October 9 for Blue Group; Tuesday, October 13 for Red Group!

Important Update from Mr. Leichner:

After reviewing our previously announced change for Red Group attendance on Wednesday, October 14, we are reversing that decision. Instead, Wednesday, October 14 will NOT be an in-person attendance day for the Red Group. It will be like every other Wednesday and will be a remote instruction day for everyone. There is no school on Columbus Day - Monday, October 12 – and we will make up that absence for the Red Group at a later date.