Today the Center for Disease Control revised its guidance on social distancing in schools. The new CDC guidance allows school children in classrooms to move from a social distance of six feet to three feet as long as they continue to wear masks.
There are other areas of the guidance that have not yet been announced as well, as other areas within our schools where six feet still needs to be maintained. Before we can make any additional adjustments to our plan here in Cassadaga Valley, we need to hear if the New York State Department of Health and the Chautauqua County Department of Health will also adopt the new CDC guidance. Stay tuned! We will let you know as soon as we receive the additional direction needed - but this is definitely good news as we work to get all of our students back to school five days a week!
M/HS Students can now sign up for spring sports. Sign up sheets are on the wall across from the HS Gym entrance. Families must register on FamilyID to have their student participate.
Food pickup for students today, 3/18/21 - 3:30 - 5:30 PM at the M/HS Gym entrance.
The Food Service Department at CVCS will continue to provide packed breakfast and lunch for the days that children are not attending school at Sinclairville Elementary or Cassadaga Middle/High School. For those students transitioning from the hybrid schedule to full-time, meals will be packed to include the Superintendent Conference Day and weekend meals. Virtual and hybrid students will continue to get packed meals, as usual.
Monday 3/22 distribution - full time students will get meals for Wed 3/24
Thursday 3/25 distribution – full-time students will get meals for Sat 3/27 and 3/28
Monday 3/29 distribution – full-time students will get meals for Sat 4/3 and Sun 4/4
Thursday 4/1 distribution - all students will get meals for Mon 4/5 through Sun 4/11
If you have any questions, please contact Heidi Ottaway, Food Service Director at 962-8581 ext. 1507. Thank you for supporting School Meals!
We are currently accepting applications for a full-time Cleaner, 8 hours/day, 12 months/year.
Application information can be found at:
We are currently accepting applications for full-time per diem Certified Elementary Substitute Teachers for the remainder of the 2020-2021 school year at the Sinclairville Elementary School. Anyone interested should go to to complete an application.
Mrs. Schrader's algebra students celebrated Pi Day (3/14) by not only eating a pie bought, but also by making Pi Day bracelets with the color of beads matching the digits of pi until it would fit around their wrist. Pi is unending because it is an irrational number. The students also had hula-hoop and ring-toss contests.
The Board of Education Budget Work Session scheduled for March 22, 2021, has been cancelled. The next Budget Work Session will be held April 12, 2021, at 6 PM.
An important message from Mr. Leichner regarding students returning to school can be found here:
A Letter to Families can be found here:
A Return to School Calendar can be found here:
M/HS students - wear green to school March 16 or March 18! Get spotted and you might win a prize (sponsored by the M/HS Innovation Team).
Students in Mrs. Kelly’s Math and Science classes have been enjoying coding with the use of Dash and Dot Robots. Today they were coding Dash to make its way through an obstacle course, made by the pair of students.
Middle/High School Students of the Month can be found here:
Congratulations to each student!
Reminder: Food pick up today for students, 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM at the M/HS Gym entrance.
The March Teacher In-Service Day will be held Wednesday, March 24, 2021. Please note this is a date change from the original school calendar. There will be no school for students on this day.
Check out the March 2021 CVCS Mental Health Newsletter. This month's topic is "Parent Self-Care During Stressful Times."
Tuesday, March 9th -- M/HS progress reports sent home with Red Group students and mailed home for full-remote students
Thursday, March 11th -- M/HS progress reports sent home with Blue Group students
Section 6 has approved limited spectators for winter sports starting
Wednesday, 2/24/21. Please see this document for further information/instructions:
The Cassadaga Valley Central School District Board of Education will hold a Budget Work Session at 6 PM on Monday, February 22, 2021, starting at 6 PM in the M/HS Multi-Purpose Room. Social distancing will be enforced.
Livestream link for all home basketball games:
Episode 3 of Cassadaga Valley Helps, "Increasing Motivation, Decreasing Refusal," can be found here: