Just a reminder that today's packed meals distribution is for hybrid, virtual and non-enrolled students. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday meals will be provided. Full time students will have access to breakfast and lunch at school each day.
The CVCS Board of Education will hold a Special Meeting, immediately following the Budget Work Session tonight, April 12, in the M/HS Multipurpose Room. The Board anticipates, after the meeting being called to order, entering immediately into Executive Session to discuss the Superintendent's evaluation. No other business is on the agenda.
The Cassadaga Valley Central School District Board of Education will hold a Budget Work Session at 6 PM on Monday, April 12, 2021, starting at 6 PM in the M/HS Multi-Purpose Room. Social distancing will be enforced.
A few Farmers to Families food boxes are still available as of 2:30 PM! Come and get one!
Farmers 2 Families food box distribution will take place Wednesday, April 7, 2021, near the Fitness Center entrance at the M/HS starting at 11 AM until gone. Please remember, if you are picking up food for more than one family, you will be asked to get one box, then return to the end of the line to get the second one - to allow everyone to get at least one.
M/HS Students - We are once again offering after school snacks - for free! The snack menu can be found here: https://5il.co/r5oh
Reminder: packed food pick up is today from 3:30-5:30 PM. This will be a bulk distribution that will include food for next week while the students are off for spring break.
More teacher/teacher aides appreciating the kind tokes from the Key Club!
The Key Club officers voted to honor the M/HS teachers and teacher aides by making them hand-made bunny cards and homemade cookies , made by Dana Dubois. The cookies were delicious and the recognition was appreciated!
This is a reminder that our hybrid students will have Wednesday rotations starting this week. This will be for all students not attending classes in-house 5 days/week.
This Week (Full-day Pre-K, Grades K-5 and 10-12):
-Red Group will be here Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
-Blue Group will be here Thursday (Friday is a holiday)
The Week starting April 12: (Full-day Pre-K, Grades 3-5 and 10-12):
-Red Group will be here Monday, Tuesday
-Blue Group will be here Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Grades K-2 students return to 5 days/week on Monday, April 12.
The CVCS Quest Hiking Club completed their first hike for this year. They spent Saturday morning in the Harris Hill State Forest in Gerry. It was a beautiful day for our 4.5 mile hike.
NOTE: Beginning April 15th, weekly food distribution will be Thursdays only from 3:30 – 5:30pm at the Middle/High school gymnasium entrance.
Menus for food picked up for the month of April can be found here:
We are hiring Substitute Teacher Aides.
Click here for an application: https://5il.co/ei8u
Once complete, submit the application to the District Office or email it to wheslink@cvcougars.org.
An updated "Return to School Calendar" can be found here:
Enrollment is currently under way for the Cassadaga Valley's 2021-2022 Kindergarten and Universal Pre-Kindergarten programs at Sinclairville Elementary School.
The UPK Program is available to children who will be four years old on or before December 1, 2021. Parents/Guardians of children who meet this age requirement should have received the enrollment forms in the mail. If you have not received the enrollment forms, please use the contact information below to request copies. There are no income eligibility restrictions for families residing within the school district.
We would like to encourage parents/guardians of children eligible to start kindergarten in the fall, who are not currently enrolled in our UPK program, to register their child for school as soon as possible. This applies to children who will be five years old on or before December 1, 2021.
To request more information and enrollment forms, please contact the Sinclairville Elementary School Office at 962-5195 ext. 2400.
The truck containing our Farm to Families food boxes will be here TODAY, from 9:30 AM - 1 PM or until gone at the HS gym entrance. These will likely go fast, and we will post when the food is gone.
The truck containing our Farm to Families food boxes is still disabled and the delivery WILL NOT BE TAKING PLACE TODAY. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience, but this is out of our hands. As soon as we get an update, we will post it here.
The truck containing our Farm to Families food boxes has been delayed and will not be here by 1:00 pm for distribution. The truck has broken down outside of Buffalo. They are working to get another truck to pick up the trailer and bring it the rest of the way. We will send out an update when we know more information.
Modified Football officially starts Monday 3/29. Any "practices" prior to 3/29 are considered voluntary and CV will not be providing any transportation. Monday 3/29 to 4/1, transportation for practices will be provided as follows:
To Falconer: Bus will load at CV at 4:10pm, depart for Falconer at 4:15pm, arriving at Falconer at approximately 4:35pm.
Return to CV: Bus will load at Falconer at 7:10pm, depart for CV at 7:15pm, arriving at CV at approximately 7:35pm.
Middle/High School Students - Who needs an excuse to show spirit? Why do Homecoming and Spirit weeks get to have all the attention? Let's simply celebrate coming together as a CVCS family the week of March 29th - April 1st. Participate as much as you'd like & have fun with it!